"Saint Croix"^^ . "1573926787"^^ . "J\u00FCtte"^^ . "Catharine"^^ . "Maggie"^^ . "Paveau"^^ . "192842412"^^ . "Sex crimes: from Renaissance to Enlightenment"^^ . "Alison"^^ . "Studies in Hindu religion"^^ . "The Gale Group"^^ . "Victorian Values: An Introduction"^^ . "Peter"^^ . "1970.0"^^ . "Phoenix"^^ . "Craig"^^ . "231099983"^^ . "Phillip S"^^ . "Naiad Press"^^ . "Manchester University Press"^^ . "John R"^^ . "Kendrick"^^ . "Graham"^^ . "Paul Rakita"^^ . "Ruzzier"^^ . "1560236043"^^ . "0"^^ . "The Secret Lives of Hyapatia Lee"^^ . "Rosen"^^ . "Roland"^^ . "Seuil"^^ . "Don"^^ . "Sleaze Artists: Cinema at the Margins of Taste, Style, and Politics"^^ . "Alan"^^ . "McCleary"^^ . "Sekules"^^ . "L"^^ . "Black is beautiful: personal transformation and political change"^^ . "Legs"^^ . "2007020796"^^ . "Cambridge University Press"^^ . "Thanks for the Memories: Love, Sex, And World War II"^^ . "Walter"^^ . "Kidwai"^^ . "franc\u00E8s"^^ . "Davidson"^^ . "Tony"^^ . "My Life As A Pornstar"^^ . "Meyer"^^ . "Alin\u00E9a"^^ . "Beert C"^^ . "Nacol"^^ . "H. Montgomery"^^ . "Micah L"^^ . "307814335"^^ . "Salvador"^^ . "549501037"^^ . "Victorian London's Middle-Class Housewife: What She Did All Day"^^ . "The Book of the Penis"^^ . "Sigel"^^ . "Jennifer"^^ . "752429779"^^ . "Greenwood Publishing Group"^^ . "Heumann"^^ . "Heinemann"^^ . "786418273"^^ . . "Judith R"^^ . "International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences"^^ . "Univ. Press of Mississippi"^^ . "Before Stonewall: the making of a gay and lesbian community"^^ . "Psywar"^^ . "Puma"^^ . "angl\u00E8s"^^ . "Laurie A"^^ . "Richard"^^ . "Rawson"^^ . . "William G"^^ . "The Culture of Sex in Ancient China"^^ . "Medieval Art"^^ . "Lumby"^^ . "Encyclopedia of Early Cinema"^^ . "313365733"^^ . "Heer"^^ . "McNeil"^^ . "Stephen J"^^ . "0978-02-07"^^ . "New Hyde Park: University Books"^^ . "Steven"^^ . "Judith"^^ . "Richards"^^ . "313313997"^^ . "Renick"^^ . "Contraception: A History"^^ . "415929504"^^ . "9053494332"^^ . "Catherine D"^^ . "Foxon"^^ . "Le discours pornographique"^^ . "203482042"^^ . "Issitt"^^ . "520260600"^^ . "Kearney"^^ . "1859734537"^^ . "Kama Sutra total"^^ . "Infobase Publishing"^^ . "Ces livres qu'on ne lit que d'une main : lecture et lecteurs de livres pornographiques au XVIIIe si\u00E8cle"^^ . "813535190"^^ . "Encyclopedia of Adventure Fiction"^^ . "Motilal Banarsidass"^^ . "Roman Sex: 100 B.C. to A.D. 250"^^ . "Oxford University Press"^^ . "Mar\u00EDa Elvira"^^ . "Marsh"^^ . "Putnam"^^ . "Villalobos Andrade"^^ . "978"^^ . "Running Press"^^ . "Nova York"^^ . "Zahar"^^ . "Walkowitz"^^ . "P. B"^^ . "Women in Hindu Literature"^^ . "73604275"^^ . "David M"^^ . "Barthes"^^ . "Ashley Blue"^^ . "Student Learning in Physical Education: Applying Research to Enhance Instruction"^^ . "Gyan Publishing House"^^ . "Schiller"^^ . "Weiss"^^ . "719044030"^^ . "17565765"^^ . "Ford"^^ . "The lost boys of Zeta Psi: a historical archaeology of masculinity in a university fraternity"^^ . "castell\u00E0"^^ . "Berg"^^ . "Tempus"^^ . "Springe"^^ . "Nourmand"^^ . "786747536"^^ . "Kath"^^ . "Engendering Archaeology: Women and Prehistory"^^ . "Small"^^ . "Ediciones Robinbook"^^ . "70.0"^^ . "Pin-Up Grrrls: Feminism, Sexuality, Popular Culture"^^ . "Shaji"^^ . "La Musardine"^^ . "Ashgate Publishing"^^ . "Kent"^^ . "Rudgley"^^ . "Prometheus Books"^^ . "Thomas Walter"^^ . "Ruth"^^ . "Swede"^^ . "1859841503"^^ . "Verstraete"^^ . "684862700"^^ . "Clarke"^^ . "Koetzle"^^ . "Goulemot"^^ . "306438607"^^ . "angl\u00E9s"^^ . "The Invention of Pornography"^^ . "Silverman"^^ . "Human Kinetics"^^ . "Klein"^^ . "Porn Star: Everything You Want To Know And Are Embarrassed To Ask"^^ . "Bayley"^^ . "ABC-CLIO"^^ . "Snoeck"^^ . "8120806387"^^ . "Melbourne Univ. Publishing"^^ . "N. J"^^ . "Beaver Street: A History of Modern Pornography"^^ . "Oriana"^^ . "674362705"^^ . "Sconce"^^ . "Jeanneret"^^ . "Albury"^^ . "Erdman"^^ . "Veronica"^^ . "Wiley"^^ . "George M"^^ . "Puma Swede"^^ . "802805396"^^ . "Osborne"^^ . "Marie-Anne"^^ . "A History of Pornography"^^ . "McKee"^^ . "816075735"^^ . "Visions of Disorder: Sex and the French Revolution in a Suite of Erotic Drawings by Claude-Louis Desrais"^^ . "New York"^^ . "Margaret W"^^ . "Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender"^^ . "John Bassett"^^ . "McFarland"^^ . "Regan Books/Harper Collins"^^ . "Hyde"^^ . "The Porn Report"^^ . "Lee"^^ . "The Victorian Nude: Sexuality, Morality, and Art"^^ . "Pavia"^^ . "Vernon"^^ . "Provencal"^^ . "1890951331"^^ . "Ediciones Umbral"^^ . "Duke University Press"^^ . "720607248"^^ . "Psychology Press"^^ . "Cyber Tech Publications"^^ . "Prostitution and Victorian Society: Women, Class, and the State"^^ . "Abel"^^ . "942299698"^^ . "Kenneth James"^^ . "M"^^ . "Encyclopedia of Birth Control"^^ . "312293240"^^ . "El terme pornografia (del grec \u03C0\u03BF\u03C1\u03BD\u03BF\u03B3\u03C1\u03B1\u03C6\u03B9\u03B1, pornographia), o porno en la seva forma abreujada, fa refer\u00E8ncia a tot aquell material que representa actes sexuals o actes er\u00F2tics que tenen la finalitat de provocar l'excitaci\u00F3 sexual del receptor. Un debat sempre d'actualitat \u00E9s la separaci\u00F3 o la frontera entre erotisme i pornografia. En aquest sentit, l'opini\u00F3 general \u00E9s que l'explicitat o no de la manifestaci\u00F3 relativa al sexe distingeix un concepte de l'altre."@ca . . "Paley"^^ . "521270642"^^ . "McNair"^^ . "U. S"^^ . "Taylor & Francis"^^ . "Jean-Marie"^^ . "Yaffa"^^ . "Rengel"^^ . "Andrea"^^ . "Vanita"^^ . "Saleem"^^ . "Brian"^^ . "Palgrave Macmillan"^^ . "CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform"^^ . "Draznin"^^ . "A History of Erotic Literature"^^ . "Marsden"^^ . "Sergio"^^ . "Lynn"^^ . "Sex in China: Studies in Sexology in Chinese Culture"^^ . "Polity"^^ . "Sharma"^^ . "Zone Booksg"^^ . "Michel"^^ . "Angela Rene"^^ . "753822261"^^ . "Detroit"^^ . "Understanding Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism"^^ . "Naphy"^^ . "London"^^ . "University of California, Berkeley"^^ . "Lisa Z"^^ . "Verso"^^ . "S"^^ . "Erotic art of the east; the sexual theme in oriental painting and sculpture"^^ . "A Comics Studies Reade"^^ . "Worcester"^^ . "Marian"^^ . "University of California Press"^^ . "franc\u00E9s"^^ . "The Invention of pornography: obscenity and the origins of modernity, 1500-1800"^^ . "portugu\u00E9s"^^ . "David"^^ . "Greta"^^ . "Conkey"^^ . "Maria Elena"^^ . "Joan M"^^ . "Queering India: Same-sex Love and Eroticism in Indian Culture and Society"^^ . "Ruan"^^ . "Smith"^^ . "9709758160"^^ . "International Exposure: Perspectives on Modern European Pornography, 1800-2000"^^ . "Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing"^^ . "The Secret Museum: Pornography in Modern Culture"^^ . "Norman M"^^ . "Nas redes do sexo. Os bastidores do porn\u00F4 brasileiro"^^ . "Baltes"^^ . "The Greeks and Greek Love: A Radical Reappraisal of Homosexuality in Ancient Greece"^^ . "\u00C9ros rebelle"^^ . "8121205018"^^ . "Gallimard"^^ . . "Hippies: A Guide to an American Subculture: A Guide to an American Subculture"^^ . "1"^^ . "Patrick J"^^ . "941483207"^^ . "Playboys in Paradise: Masculinity, Youth and Leisure-Style in Modern America"^^ . . "Thomas"^^ . "Fang Fu"^^ . "Smelser"^^ . "D'Ammassa"^^ . "Libertine Literature in England, 1660-1745"^^ . "Same-Sex Desire And Love in Greco-Roman Antiquity And in the Classical Tradition of the West"^^ . "Maxine B"^^ . "Rare Bird Books, A Barnacle Book"^^ . "Random House LLC"^^ . "Columbia University Press"^^ . "El terme pornografia (del grec \u03C0\u03BF\u03C1\u03BD\u03BF\u03B3\u03C1\u03B1\u03C6\u03B9\u03B1, pornographia), o porno en la seva forma abreujada, fa refer\u00E8ncia a tot aquell material que representa actes sexuals o actes er\u00F2tics que tenen la finalitat de provocar l'excitaci\u00F3 sexual del receptor. La pornografia es manifesta a trav\u00E9s d'una multitud de plataformes, com animaci\u00F3, cinema, televisi\u00F3, escultura, fotografia, c\u00F2mic, videojoc, espectacles, literatura o pintura, i ha aconseguit un gran apogeu en mitjans, com les revistes pornogr\u00E0fiques, l'\u00E0udio (sexe telef\u00F2nic) i \u00FAltimament internet (cibersexe). La pornografia amateur tamb\u00E9 ha arribat a ser molt popular i es distribueix gratu\u00EFtament a trav\u00E9s d'internet. La funci\u00F3 social de la pornografia \u00E9s doncs satisfer les necessitats del gaudiment sexual dels seus consumidors i genera un volum important d'un negoci creixent, especialment a Europa, Jap\u00F3 i els Estats Units d'Am\u00E8rica. Un debat sempre d'actualitat \u00E9s la separaci\u00F3 o la frontera entre erotisme i pornografia. En aquest sentit, l'opini\u00F3 general \u00E9s que l'explicitat o no de la manifestaci\u00F3 relativa al sexe distingeix un concepte de l'altre. Hi ha un corrent de pensament que considera la pornografia com a una nova forma d'art, que t\u00E9 per objecte mostrar la bellesa de la sexualitat humana. Els qui sostenen aquesta opini\u00F3 assenyalen que moltes formes d'art al principi foren menyspreades, infravalorades o incompreses, com les obres d'art del Postimpresionisme del pintor neerland\u00E8s Vincent Van Gogh, a qui mai se li va recon\u00E8ixer cap m\u00E8rit mentre va viure. Manifesten que el m\u00F3n canvia constantment i sempre ha canviat, que canvien els interessos o apareixen nous interessos, i canvia l'art i apareixen noves formes d'art. En els \u00FAltims anys, el qualificatiu pornogr\u00E0fic s'ha aplicat en sentit ampli i amb car\u00E0cter pejoratiu o de mera desqualificaci\u00F3 a un gran nombre de sup\u00F2sits i situacions. D'aquesta forma es fa servir sovint per titllar qualsevol cosa de contr\u00E0ria a la moral o a l'\u00E8tica dominants. Sovint es relaciona amb la prostituci\u00F3, ja que, en general, va associada a una activitat comercial."@ca . "Johann Jakob"^^ . "Roof"^^ . "Simon and Schuster"^^ . "Wilkie"^^ . "Seven Minutes: The Life and Death of the American Animated Cartoon"^^ . "Sexual Life in Ancient India: A Study in the Comparative History of Indian Culture"^^ . "822337460"^^ . "Re-Covering Modernism: Pulps, Paperbacks, and the Prejudice of Form"^^ . "954293649"^^ . "Buszek"^^ . "Greek Homosexuality editorial=Harvard University Press"^^ . "Parragon"^^ . "1968"^^ . "Robert"^^ . "Laqueur"^^ . "1971"^^ . "I Modi: The Sixteen Pleasures ; an Erotic Album of the Italian Renaissance ; Giulio Romano, Marcantonio Raimondi, Pietro Aretino and Count Jean-Fr\u00E9d\u00E9ric-Maximilien de Waldeck"^^ . "Same-Sex Love in India: Readings from Literature and History"^^ . "Escoffier"^^ . "Andrew L"^^ . "1980"^^ . "1573562556"^^ . "8479277882"^^ . "1982"^^ . "Gero"^^ . "Bill"^^ . "The Lost Civilizations of the Stone Age"^^ . "Paris"^^ . "Hunt"^^ . "Ennis"^^ . "ProQuest"^^ . "Rutgers University Press"^^ . "Pergamon"^^ . "1965"^^ . "754661547"^^ . "2000"^^ . "James"^^ . "2001"^^ . "Harry N. Abrams"^^ . "824824822"^^ . "2002"^^ . "Bigger Than Life: The History of Gay Porn Cinema from Beefcake to Hardcore"^^ . "2003"^^ . "Dover"^^ . "2004"^^ . "2005"^^ . "2006"^^ . "Luke"^^ . "2007"^^ . "2008"^^ . "2009"^^ . "2010"^^ . "Ram Padarth"^^ . "2011"^^ . "Waugh"^^ . "2012"^^ . "2013"^^ . "2014"^^ . "Grove Press"^^ . "Goldin"^^ . "Northwestern University"^^ . "Porno? Chic!: How Pornography Changed the World and Made it a Better Place"^^ . "RIV/TASCHE"^^ . "Earle"^^ . "1988"^^ . "1989"^^ . "631175016"^^ . "1991"^^ . "802136931"^^ . "1993"^^ . "Jeffrey"^^ . "1995"^^ . "1996"^^ . "University of Hawaii Press"^^ . "1997"^^ . "1999"^^ . "Lynne"^^ . "Pornografia"@ca . "Headpress"^^ . "Solitary sex: a cultural history of masturbation"^^ . "Steve"^^ . "822339641"^^ . "Suzie"^^ . "Montreal: Dawson College"^^ . "The Other Hollywood: The Uncensored Oral History of the Porn Film Industry"^^ . "Girlvert: A Porno Memoir"^^ . "Aix-en-Provence"^^ . "Blue vaudeville: sex, morals and the mass marketing of amusement, 1895-1915"^^ . "Lawner"^^ . "Steven St. Croix"^^ . "12194"^^ . "Hyapatia Lee"^^ . "Hard to Imagine: Gay Male Eroticism in Photography and Film from Their Beginnings to Stonewall"^^ . "D\u00EDaz-Ben\u00EDtez"^^ . "Hyapatia"^^ . "Jeet"^^ . "Osgerby"^^ . "1604731095"^^ . "1000"^^ . "745632718"^^ . "Routledge"^^ . "Filosof\u00EDa"^^ . "3.15576E9"^^ . "Zone Books"^^ . "Roland Barthes"^^ .